Material Testing Laboratory
The Institute is founded in Febraruary 1976 with the sole aim of dissemination of knowledge in the field of road transport one of the subsidiary objectives was to provide testing facilities for automobile spares and components purchased by the transport undertakings. With this objective, the laboratory was started in the permanent complex at Institute of Road Transport, Taramani, Chennai during july 1979.
In our Material Testing lab 44 types of Metal and 22 types of Rubber items are tested.Liaison has also been set up by the Institute with the other Government sponsored laboratories such as
1. National Test House(Southern Region), Taramani,Chennai-113.
2. Chemical and Analytical Laboratory Department of Industries and Commerce.
3. Micro Small and Medium Enterprises(MSME),Guindy,Chennai-32
4. Rubber Board, Kottayam
5. Indian Rubber Manufacturers Research Association,Thane(W)-400 604
6. Textile Committee(Ministry of Textile), Government of India,Mylapore,Chennai-600004.
Testing Machines Available
1. 3000KG Brinell Hardness Tester
2. RAB 250 Brinell Hardness Tester
3. Wet and Dry Rub Tester
4. Indention Hardness Tester
5. De Mattiya Flex Tester
6. Oil Seal Test Rig
7. KMI Tensile Tester
8. Fan Belt Test Rig
9. Radiator Hose Bursting Pressure Test Rig
10. Fuel Hose Bursting Pressure Test Rig
11. Cold Chamber
12. Hot Air Oven
13. Hummittity Chamber
14. Muffle France
15. Abrasan Test Rig
16. Tension Set
17. Length Measurement Testing